Frequency Specific Microcurrent technique (FSM) is a form of electromagnetic therapy using two channels to produce a micro-ampere field within a subject’s body. The technique is sub-sensory, as FSM operates in the micro-amperage range – 1,000th the amperage of a TENS unit and is designed to produce the same current produced at a cellular level within the body. It increases ATP by up to 500%. Two channels are used – one targets a particular condition while the other targets tissue. Machines can be used together to treat more than one tissue type concurrently.
FSM technique is commonly used by many different people, both professionally and personally. FDA has approved all microcurrent devices for sale in the category of TENS devices. TENS devices are most commonly used for pain control. FSM operates in the micro-amperage range – 1,000th the amperage of a TENS unit. I am not affiliated with manufacturer. I do not make any claims to the diagnosis or treatment of any medical conditions. The frequencies appear to have beneficial affects when used in a clinical setting as an adjunct to appropriate medical diagnosis and treatment. More research is needed to document specific effects. I have observed microcurrent used to address symptoms such as: pain, inflammation, removal of toxins, emotional issues, and skin conditions. I have been trained to program “protocols” into frequency specific microcurrent devices in order to address these and other symptoms.
Find out about my life before and after FSM
Find out about my life now
Jill's Training & Experience I have attended the core class and received a certificate upon completion. I have been using the technique for 7 years. I have a machine, and have been trained to program the microcurrent devices, and have learned which protocols are designed to address specific conditions and various types of tissue. The device is programmable to specific tissues within the body, either allowing support or suppression. The only contraindication for the technique is that women who are pregnant should not use it. If a person has a pace maker the unit should be placed below the pace maker unit. It will not affect them negatively. Given a diagnosis or symptom description, I can program and design protocols which are believed to remedy said symptom.
I do not sell or resell frequency specific microcurrent devices or accessories, however, I can provide information about recent pricing and can provide information which may help practitioners purchase these devices. Find out more about FSM
I live with depression, stress from motherhood, and test anxiety. As a client of Jill Warner's, I have used micro current on a number of occasions. Some of the various protocols run include PTSD and trauma. She has helped me overcome depression. I have succeeded in my senior year of an Information Systems degree program with A's and B's thanks to micro current sessions. I have found the strength and patience I need to become a loving, happy parent again.
D.C., Colorado It typically takes a major force to break a long bone. On the evening of July 12th, 2015, I found out how much force. I felt what was the most pain ever experienced in my life when jumping up on a friend, then both falling. The severity of this fall and twisting force caused a spiral-shaped fracture line about the tibia, or more commonly known as the shinbone. This larger bone in your lower leg is subject to most of the load during daily activities and crucial for skeletal mobility, now looking like an unstable, spiral staircase. My fibula, the second lower leg bone was broken as well. The two bones that work together, supporting most of your weight along with being an important part of both the knee joint and ankle joint, were now in need of immediate repair through surgery. Four days after this traumatic, life adjusting event, I received four days of continuous micro-current and the relief of using an "earthing sheet", a sheet to lay on with a built in grid for conducting the micro-currency. The edema, or swelling that was at first severe, was reduced drastically each day. The micro-current reduced the pain, from a typical pain scale from 1 to 10, by half each day. I effortlessly put a halt to taking pain medication in less than two weeks since the micro-current's efficiency in reducing to gradually eliminating pain was so effective. Pain-free mobility made the healing process advance at a progressive pace. My first six week check up included x-rays along with no recommendations for physical therapy since healing was advanced for a woman, who just turned forty years old. Two and a half months later, I started walking without crutches and resuming a more complete range of motion and flexibility. This was the only personal experience in breaking bones and I am most impressed with the absence of pain. I highly recommend utilizing the benefits of the earthing sheet along with the micro-current machine for symptoms that range from extreme, to daily stress for effectively balancing the physical and emotional body. As a performer, I have noticed that Jill's water inexplicably takes away all my jitters. And when I receive her treatments, a feeling of calmness and well-being comes over me. It works!! Following a difficult and troubled childhood, I have suffered from PTSD and depression for all of my adult life. I regularly experienced panic attacks, paranoia, anxiety, and mood swings. I took anti-depressants for many years to combat the symptoms, but they were only marginally effective, and limiting. Leading up to my daughter’s birth, I experienced many of the symptoms of pre-eclampsia and suffered from insomnia for the entire last month of my pregnancy. Following a challenging birthing process resulting in a c-section, my body didn’t readily recover from the symptoms onset during pregnancy. Immediately following delivery, I was experiencing edema and postpartum depression. Within days of my daughter’s birth, my chiropractor, Dr. Tom Patterson, introduced me to Frequency-Specific Microcurrent. Over the course of a few treatments, the swelling in my body quickly and steadily dissipated. I was able to sleep, and the postpartum depression began to wane. I was able to see more clearly my worthiness to push through the situation to a more manageable mindset. Just under two years later, our next experience with Microcurrent treatment came following a car accident. After having been advised by another chiropractor that we were likely to need a lengthy treatment regimen, combining Microcurrent and chiropractic treatment, I recovered in under six weeks of therapy and my husband recovered in under three. I’ve had occasion to use Microcurrent since, and have found it to be an incredibly positive experience. It has helped me a tremendously over the past eight years. |